Sunday, April 26, 2009

Daichi - Some of the best beatboxing I've ever seen

I've noticed that people (well.. youths?) seem to universally appreciate breaking and beatboxing. Breaking, well, people do seem to like dance in general (cue the huge popularity of Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance), but the average person seems to be way more interested in watching someone, break, then attending some dance rehearsal at a theatre. (Crystal, remember the ballet of the penises? haha) Beatboxing, everybody loves -- you'll find more people willing to listen to beatboxing more than people willing to listen to someone toot the clarinet, for example.

Anyways, that was kind of a digression. My bad. Below is some of the best beatboxing I've ever seen. This guy is way better than the guy on that French talent show, for example. His scratching is just unbelievable, and he even throws in a little Eye of the Tiger. A kid from Japan, not exactly an English major, and he knows Eye of the Tiger and beatboxes it in there. Sweet.

And this is all with no mic, too.

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